Would you look at that? Do you see what's in the seed pod, beside seeds?

I usually cut down the daylilies' flower stalks before they develop seed pods, but the ones I miss have, by mid-October, been dessicated into lacy cups of glossy jet beads, like the ones here. I thought it made a nice image, with the shadow and the contrasting textures, and photographed them two weeks ago. Only now do I see.....the snail. (Make that
snails. That's one in the left pod, too!) These guys get
everywhere. It's not unusual to see the little critters poised at the end of an eight-foot-long willow branch that must have taken them
hours to traverse the length of, from the ground to the very tip where now is being chewed up the tenderest, juiciest new growth. But really, you climbed all the way up the stalk, into the seed pod... Did it eat and fall asleep? Was it attacked by a predator and left there, an empty shell? Went looking for that same stalk and seedhead today, but it's gone; it's been two weeks of rain, wind, leaves falling, sun, rain, etc. So. Something impossible to look out for next year...
Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Wow! I had to look twice, even after I enlarged the photo. Then I laughed myself silly, because you are right - they were hiding in plain sight!!!
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