Nothing sets off a bride's gown like the perfect accessory. But face it,
everyone on the list of banns is gonna be wearing Grandma's necklace down the aisle. If you want to stand out from the crowd in June, nix the tired old idea of heirloom jewelry, and hit the dollar bins at your local Tar-jhay for a Bridal Shot Glass Necklace!
(Of course, as the warning here in the lower right corner indicates, this item won't be appropriate for
all brides:)
Hmmmmmmm, wonder what happens when it gets stuck in the cleavage exposed by the loooooow-cut wedding gown ???? !!! What a picture that would make! Tee hee.
Good heavens!!! I wonder who on earth would have invented such a treasure???
(guffaw) Well, your blog certainly made my day! Heeheahohoalaalaa... Thank you!
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