This intrepid fellow was a good thirty-five feet above the ground here, painting the flagpole of the local American Legion hall this afternoon.
You know how painting can be kind of tedious, even boring, sometimes? I don't think this is one of those times.
Oh my goodness! It took a minute for me to realize there is a dude up that pole!!! He's far more brave than I.
Is it just me but don't you think it would be a tad bit easier if one removes the flags before stirring the paint?
I was thinking that same thing. Why not remove the flags--unless he's intending to add a few more states to the union... Hmm. A conspiracy theory is born.
The bottom of the halyard was secured to something on the ground a distance away from the pole,kind of holding the flags away, but it does seem a lay-z-boy approach. I kinda dig the little sling-seat contraption.
That's one of these
Oh, I would definitely like to go up in one of those. They should offer it as a ride, a la London's "Eye," on historic ships or ship replicas.
OOooooh, dear! What a brave young fellow he is!!!
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