...for a wicked virus involving feverish delirium, muscle weakness, and much bronchial tumult, followed by Thanksgiving, a return to work on Bookish Friday (the day after T'giving,) a restorative outing to see our favorite bar band, and now, frantic rearrangement of junk so that the basement windows can be replaced today. My apologies to faithful readers. Both of you. Until something more interesting happens (soon, I promise,) here are two happy orange things that buoyed my spirits while I was sick: my new little Nertera (also known as coral-bead or pincushion plant,) and some of the prize-winning peach jam that's handmade in Vermont every year by my friend Kathy.
Happy colors. I like happy colors. Is the Nereta indoors or outdoors?
It's indoors; a Native of New Zealand, it wants bright indirect light and temps UNDER 70 degrees: perfect for my enclosed (but chilly) porch this time of year.
I don't know how long the orange berries will last.
It came, as do so many good things, from TJ's!
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